Rated teams

Recently created teams

# Team Created
321. DOBRO (2 players) January 29 '2013
322. Wrath of the Ancients (1 player) January 29 '2013
323. DONT CARE (2 players) January 29 '2013
324. MUGIWAR'S TEAM January 29 '2013
325. Plugs (3 players) January 29 '2013
326. D2 (2 players) January 29 '2013
327. Council of the Gods January 29 '2013
328. Team F (1 player) January 29 '2013
329. Mirai.Gaming January 29 '2013
330. RTFM (1 player) January 29 '2013
331. o0o0o0o0o (3 players) January 29 '2013
332. heavenvoSA (4 players) January 29 '2013
333. Spam Sort Pelase (3 players) January 29 '2013
334. cool cool cool gaming (1 player) January 29 '2013
335. Next Time (1 player) January 29 '2013
336. Need more farm January 29 '2013
337. The Gravites (1 player) January 29 '2013
338. No Fire Wisp Bottom January 29 '2013
339. Rogue Assasins (1 player) January 29 '2013
340. LowTierBronzeScums January 29 '2013