Player Tom Hanks requested 10 invites.
To team 81GPM at February 01 '2013 (Pending)
To team k3faukompania at February 01 '2013 (Rejected)
To team The Supremacy at February 01 '2013 (Pending)
To team G4Fame at January 25 '2013 (Rejected)
To team Urban Prophets at January 25 '2013 (Pending)
To team Drushtvo na Retardirani Face at January 25 '2013 (Rejected)
To team How I Fucked Your Mother at January 25 '2013 (Pending)
To team Live to Win at January 16 '2013 (Rejected)
To team Rising Couriers at January 16 '2013 (Rejected)
To team at January 16 '2013 (Rejected)