It was fun.
Gameplay got too repetitive, not as rewarding as it was in the beginning. Game has low skill cap, but really high donate cap 😉 It’s a pay to win.
Still, here are some proud screenshots!
Farewell, Magic Rush!
Farewell, Legendary alliance, it was fun playing together with you, guys!
Ares, Sammeths Gang, Beast Mode, asa ka nako, LioN!, Terrible, romerotg, Genteel Dana, DivineSymphony, Rubistar, Skol’s, DarksiderS, Thkeron, Selfish Avery, Comical Bella and others!
Thanks to our enemies as well, Tortuga alliance, Донбасс alliance, Abyss alliance, and personally to arch-enemies Leks, Jjunijji, mikhail, PH|coryan, Sub-Zero, бродяга and few others. Thanks for giving us a hard time! I am proud of how few weaker Russian alliances was able to team up to ultimately overthrow much stronger alliances like Legendary. Well played!