Control Warrior
Warrior (19)
- Execute x2
- Shield Slam x2
- Whirlwind x2
- Fiery War Axe x2
- Slam
- Armorsmith x2
- Cruel Taskmaster x2
- Shield Block x2
- Frothing Berserker x2
- Brawl
- Grommash Hellscream
Neutral (11)
- Acolyte of Pain x2
- Big Game Hunter
- Faceless Manipulator x2
- Cairne Bloodhoof
- Sylvanas Windrunner
- Baron Geddon
- Ragnaros the Firelord
- Alexstrasza
- Ysera
Dust cost: 13,800
Common: 40 x5 = 200
Rare: 100 x4 = 400
Epic: 400 x5 = 2000
Legendary: 1600 x7 = 11200
Pretty standard warrior control deck. Very fun, I recommend playing it if you can.
April 7 2014: Subbed out Slam, Gorehowl, Bloodmage Thalnos, and Sen'jin Shieldmasta x2; added Brawl, Faceless Manipulator x2, Ysera, and Baron Geddon
March 18 2014: Subbed out Baron Geddon and Brawl for Sen'jin Shieldmasta x2